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Rental Policy


1601 Frontenac Road

Naperville, IL 60563

Rental will begin on the date of shipment and end on the date returned to our warehouse.

Rentals are for a minimum 28 day period and will be prorated after the expiration of the minimum rental period.

No credit will be issued for amounts less than $25.00.

Rental items are to be maintained in good condition.

Forms are to be returned clean, treated with form release, and ready to use.

A charge will be made for all damage, cleaning, and missing material.

Missing 1/2" Coil Bolt and Nuts $60.00/C
Cleaning: per square foot of form face $0.75/sq. ft.
1/4" diam. hole or smaller $10.00 ea.
1/2" diam. hole or smaller $18.00 ea.
1" diam. hole or smaller $40.00 ea.
Larger than 1" hole Purchase


Sale of used forms is subject to availability.

Add one item setup charge of $50.00 per diameter on sale.

Customer is responsible for transporation from our warehouse and return.

Purchase option of rental equipment will be based on prevailing sale prices in effect, less 100% of the FIRST month of actual rentals paid.

Maximum allowance not to exceed 50% of prevailing sale price.